Get A Quote

Get a quote free. It's simple, just fill out this quick form and we will get right back with you shortly! Note: Mobile user may click the Whats app on the lower right side of the page!                             

    Your name:
    Your email address:
    Best telephone number you can be reached at:
    What is the best time to call you?
    What is the date requested for DJ service?
    What is the physical address, city and state of your event?
    What is your occasion for DJ services needed?
    How many hours of DJ service are you requesting?
    How many guests are you expecting to be in attendance?
    What time should the DJ start playing music?
    What time should the DJ conclude and stop playing music?
    Is the event a Corporate or Personal event?
    Who will be paying for the DJ service? Name:
    Method of Payment? Check or Cash?

    After your email is received, someone will follow up with you regarding your inquiry.

    Type the above text:

    Note: A Entertainment Contract agreement is required  upon booking date and time.  A non refundable retainer fee shall be required upon the signing of a entertainment contract. Consultations are free!

    Click here to contact us!